Query with Comunica
On this page
The following guides explain how to execute queries in different environments, such as live in the browser, in JavaScript applications, or the CLI.
Getting started with querying
Basic guides on how to easily get started with querying.
Querying from the command line
Execute SPARQL queries directly from the command line.
Updating from the command line
Execute SPARQL Update queries directly from the command line.
Querying local files from the command line
Execute SPARQL queries over local RDF files directly from the command line.
Querying in a JavaScript app
Execute SPARQL queries from within your application using the JavaScript API.
Updating in a JavaScript app
Execute SPARQL Update queries from within your application using the JavaScript API.
Querying in a JavaScript browser app
Execute SPARQL queries from within your client-side browser application using the JavaScript API.
Querying from a Docker container
Execute SPARQL queries within a Docker container.
Setting up a SPARQL endpoint
Allow querying over HTTP via the SPARQL protocol
Setting up a Web client
Set up a user-friendly static Web page where SPARQL queries can be executed client-side
Query using the latest development version
If you want to make use of the latest changes that are not released yet
Usage showcase
Examples of where Comunica is used.
Querying FAQ
Frequently asked questions about using Comunica.
Advanced querying
Advanced guides on how to get the most out of Comunica.
HTTP Basic Authentication
Send authenticated HTTP requests by including username and password.
Bindings objects are used to represent results of SPARQL SELECT queries
When remote sources are requested, caching allows them to be reused in the future.
Passing a context
A context can be passed to a query engine to tweak its runtime settings.
Destination types
Comunica detects and handles different types of destinations.
Display information about the logical and physical query plan
Extension Functions
Providing implementations for SPARQL extension functions.
Federated Querying
Query over the union of data within any number of sources
Using the power of JSON-LD contexts, GraphQL queries can be executed by Comunica
HDT offers highly compressed immutable RDF storage.
Loggers can be set to different logging levels to inspect what Comunica is doing behind the scenes.
Using the Memento protocol, time travel queries can be executed.
HTTP Proxy
All HTTP requests can optionally go through a proxy.
To achieve maximum interoperability between different JavaScript libraries, Comunica builds on top of the RDF/JS specifications.
Querying over RDF/JS sources
If the built-in source types are not sufficient, you can pass a custom JavaScript object implementing a specific interface.
Updating RDF/JS stores
If the built-in destination types are not sufficient, you can pass a custom JavaScript object implementing a specific interface.
Result formats
Query results can be serialized in different formats.
Solid – the Web-based decentralization ecosystem – can be queried with Comunica.
Source types
Comunica detects and handles different types of sources.
SPARQL query types
Different SPARQL query types are possible, such as SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK, ...
Supported specifications
Comunica supports several RDF-related specifications