Querying from a Docker container

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    If for whatever reason you are unable or unwilling to install Node.js, then you can make use Comunica via Docker containers instead.

    Usage of the Comunica SPARQL via Docker can be done via the comunica/query-sparql Docker image:

    $ docker run -it --rm comunica/query-sparql \
      https://fragments.dbpedia.org/2015-10/en \
      "CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100"

    The signature of this command is identical to the comunica-sparql command.

    By default, the latest (stable) released version will be pulled and started. If you want to make use of the latest development version, which is updated upon each new commit in the Comunica GitHub repository, then the dev tag can be used:

    $ docker run -it --rm comunica/query-sparql:dev \
      https://fragments.dbpedia.org/2015-10/en \
      "CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100"

    A new Docker tag is also created upon each new release, so you can select a fixed version of Comunica if needed, such as version 1.14.0:

    $ docker run -it --rm comunica/query-sparql:1.14.0 \
      https://fragments.dbpedia.org/2015-10/en \
      "CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100"

    A list of all available tags can be found on the Docker hub.