
On this page

    Different default configurations of Comunica are provided, such as Comunica SPARQL, Comunica SPARQL File, and Comunica SPARQL RDF/JS. Next to those, several extensions and modified versions exist of Comunica that offer specific functionality.

    Feel free to contact us if you want your extension of Comunica added to this list.


    The Comunica Examples repository contains a number of example packages that explain and illustrate how to create customized Comunica packages.


    @comunica/query-sparql-solid is Comunica SPARQL query engine that allows queries to be executed using your Solid account.

    Read more about this in our guide on Solid.

    @comunica/query-sparql-link-traversal and @comunica/query-sparql-link-traversal-solid are Comunica SPARQL query engine that follow links between documents during query execution.

    Read more about this in our guide on Link Traversal.


    Comunica AMF provides a set of experimental actors that handle approximate membership functions, such as Bloom filters. Read more about this in this article.


    @comunica/comunica-actor-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern-hdt is a package that enables resolving a quad pattern over HDT files. The Comunica SPARQL HDT package provides a default configuration that adds full SPARQL query support using other actors from Comunica SPARQL.

    Read more about this in our guide on querying over HDT.


    OSTRICH is a versioned RDF triple store.

    @comunica/actor-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern-ostrich is a package that enables resolving a quad pattern over OSTRICH files. It determines the version to query over from the context.

    @comunica/actor-query-operation-contextify-version is a package that detects graph-based version operations and rewrites them to operations with a version context.

    The Comunica SPARQL OSTRICH package provides a default configuration that adds full SPARQL query support using other actors from Comunica SPARQL.


    SPARQL-OTFC extends the SPARQL query language with on-the-fly computations. It enables developers to host special predicates that do not exist in a queried data source yet are computed at runtime. To the end-user asking a query, these predicates behave just like regular predicates.