On this page
Mediators form a critical part of Comunica's core architecture. They are responsible for selecting one actor from a bus, based on a given task.
While actors perform the actual logic, they never communicate with each other directly. Instead, they always communicate through mediators, to reduce coupling between actors. If a different actor selection technique is needed, a different mediator can be configured without having to change any buses or actors.
Mediator implementations
Name | Package | Description |
Race | @comunica/mediator-race | Picks the first actor that resolves its test. |
Number | @comunica/mediator-number | Mediates over a single number field. It can either choose the actor with the maximum or with the minimum value. |
All | @comunica/mediator-all | Special mediator that runs all actors that resolve their test in parallel. |
Combine Pipeline | @comunica/mediator-combine-pipeline | Special mediator that goes over all actors in sequence and forwards I/O. This requires the action input and the actor output to be of the same type. |
Combine Union | @comunica/mediator-combine-union | Special mediator that takes the union of all actor results. |
Join Coefficients Fixed | @comunica/mediator-join-coefficients-fixed | Mediates over join actors implementing the Join Coefficients mediator type. |
Mediator types
Comunica contains several packages named @comunica/mediatortype-*
that expose interfaces that extend the IActorTest
These interfaces can be reused in different actors to indicate what properties can be mediated over.
The following mediator types are available:
Name | Package | Description |
HTTP Requests | @comunica/mediatortype-httprequests | Number of HTTP requests required for an action. |
Iterations | @comunica/mediatortype-iterations | Number of iterations that are needed for joining streams. |
Priority | @comunica/mediatortype-priority | Priority of an actor, for example used for parsers and serializers in content negotiation. |
Time | @comunica/mediatortype-time | Estimated time an action will take. |
Join Coefficients | @comunica/mediatortype-join-coefficients | Represents the cost of a join operation on the RDF Join bus. |
Configuring and using a mediator
Defining a component mediator parameter
The following components file shows how a mediatorJoin
parameter is added to @comunica/actor-query-operation-join
{ "@context": [ "^3.0.0/components/context.jsonld", "^3.0.0/components/context.jsonld" ], "@id": "npmd:@comunica/actor-query-operation-join", "components": [ { "@id": "caqoj:Actor/QueryOperation/Join", "@type": "Class", "extends": "cbqo:Actor/QueryOperationTypedMediated", "requireElement": "ActorQueryOperationJoin", "comment": "A comunica Join Query Operation Actor.", "parameters": [ { "@id": "caqoj:mediatorJoin", "comment": "A mediator for joining Bindings streams", "required": true, "unique": true } ], "constructorArguments": [ { "extends": "cbqo:Actor/QueryOperationTypedMediated/constructorArgumentsObject", "fields": [ { "keyRaw": "mediatorJoin", "value": "caqoj:mediatorJoin" } ] } ] } ] }
Instantiating a component mediator
The following config file shows how we instantiate an actor with a race mediator over the RDF join bus (@comunica/bus-rdf-join
{ "@context": [ "^3.0.0/components/context.jsonld", "^3.0.0/components/context.jsonld" ], "@id": "urn:comunica:my", "actors": [ { "@id": "config-sets:sparql-queryoperators.json#myJoinQueryOperator", "@type": "ActorQueryOperationJoin", "caqoj:mediatorJoin": { "@id": "config-sets:sparql-queryoperators.json#mediatorRdfJoin", "@type": "MediatorRace", "cc:Mediator/bus": { "@id": "cbrj:Bus/RdfJoin" } } } ] }
Invoking a mediator in TypeScript
Invoking the mediator in a TypeScript actor implementation is done like this:
import { IActionContext } from '@comunica/types'; import { AIActorTest, Mediator } from '@comunica/core'; import { ActorRdfJoin, IActionRdfJoin } from '@comunica/bus-rdf-join'; import { IMediatorTypeIterations } from '@comunica/mediatortype-iterations'; export class ActorQueryOperationJoin extends ActorQueryOperationTypedMediated<Algebra.Join> { public readonly mediatorJoin: Mediator<ActorRdfJoin, IActionRdfJoin, IMediatorTypeIterations, IActorQueryOperationOutput>; public constructor(args: IActorQueryOperationJoinArgs) { super(args, 'join'); } public async testOperation(pattern: Algebra.Join, context: IActionContext): Promise<IActorTest> { return true; } public async runOperation(pattern: Algebra.Join, context: IActionContext): Promise<IActorQueryOperationOutput> { const myAction: IActionRdfJoin = { ... }; return this.mediatorJoin.mediate(myAction); } } export interface IActorQueryOperationJoinArgs extends IActorQueryOperationTypedMediatedArgs { mediatorJoin: Mediator<ActorRdfJoin, IActionRdfJoin, IMediatorTypeIterations, IActorQueryOperationOutput>; }